Information about a specialization.
the ID of the specialization
the localized name of the specialization
the ID of the profession the specialization belongs to
a flag indicating whether the specialization is an elite specialization
a render service URL for the specialization's icon
a render service URL for the specialization's background image
a list of all IDs of the specialization's minor traits
a list of all IDs of the specialization's major traits
the ID of the elite specialization's weapon trait
a render service URL for the elite specialization's icon
a render service URL for a large variant of the elite specialization's icon
This field holds a render service URL for the specialization's background image.
This field holds a render service URL for a large variant of the elite specialization's icon.
This field holds a list of all IDs of the specialization's major traits.
This field holds a list of all IDs of the specialization's minor traits.
This field holds the ID of the profession the specialization belongs to.
This field holds a render service URL for the elite specialization's icon.
This field holds the ID of the elite specialization's weapon trait.