Package-level declarations


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data class GW2v2Account(val id: String, val age: Int, val name: String, val world: Int, val guilds: List<String>, val guildLeader: List<String>? = null, val created: String, val access: List<String>, val commander: Boolean, val fractalLevel: Int? = null, val dailyAP: Int? = null, val monthlyAP: Int? = null, val wvwRank: Int? = null, val lastModified: String, val buildStorageSlots: Int? = null)

Information about a player's account.

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data class GW2v2AccountAchievement(val id: GW2AchievementId, val done: Boolean, val bits: List<Int>? = null, val current: Int? = null, val max: Int? = null, val repeated: Int? = null, val unlocked: Boolean? = null)

Information about a player's progress towards an achievement.

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data class GW2v2AccountBankSlot(val id: GW2ItemId, val count: Int, val charges: Int? = null, val skin: GW2SkinId? = null, val dyes: List<Int>? = null, val upgrades: List<GW2ItemId>? = null, val upgradeSlotIndices: List<Int>? = null, val infusions: List<GW2ItemId>? = null, val stats: GW2v2AccountBankSlot.Stats? = null, val binding: String? = null, val boundTo: String? = null)

Information about a bank slot.

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data class GW2v2AccountBuildStorageSlot(val name: String, val profession: String, val specializations: List<GW2v2AccountBuildStorageSlot.Specialization?>, val skills: GW2v2AccountBuildStorageSlot.Skills? = null, val aquaticSkills: GW2v2AccountBuildStorageSlot.AuqaticSkills? = null, val legends: List<String?>? = null, val aquaticLegends: List<String?>? = null)

Information about a build in an account's storage.

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data class GW2v2AccountFinisher(val id: Int, val permanent: Boolean, val quantity: Int? = null)

Information about finishers unlocked by an account.

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data class GW2v2AccountInventorySlot(val id: GW2ItemId, val count: Int, val charges: Int? = null, val skin: GW2SkinId? = null, val upgrades: List<GW2ItemId>? = null, val infusions: List<GW2ItemId>? = null, val stats: GW2v2AccountInventorySlot.Stats? = null, val binding: String? = null)

Information about a stack of items in a player's shared inventory.

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data class GW2v2AccountLegendaryArmoryUnlock(val id: GW2ItemId, val count: Int)

Information about a player's legendary armory item unlock.

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data class GW2v2AccountMastery(val id: Int, val level: Int? = null)

Information about a player's unlocked mastery.

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data class GW2v2AccountMasteryPoint(val totals: List<GW2v2AccountMasteryPoint.Total>, val unlocked: List<Int>)

Information about a player's unlocked mastery points for a region.

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data class GW2v2AccountMaterial(val id: GW2ItemId, val category: Int, val count: Int, val binding: String? = null)

Information about a stack of materials in a player's vault.

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data class GW2v2AccountWalletCurrency(val id: Int, val value: Int)

Information about a currency in a player's wallet.

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data class GW2v2AccountWizardsVaultDaily(val metaProgressCurrent: Int, val metaProgressComplete: Int, val metaRewardItemId: GW2ItemId, val metaRewardAstral: Int, val metaRewardClaimed: Boolean, val objectives: List<GW2v2WizardsVaultObjectiveProgress>)

Information about a player's current daily Wizard's Vault objectives.

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data class GW2v2AccountWizardsVaultListing(val id: Int, val itemId: GW2ItemId, val itemCount: Int, val type: GW2v2AccountWizardsVaultListing.Type, val cost: Int, val purchased: Int? = null, val purchaseLimit: Int? = null)

Information about a Wizard's Vault listing available for a player.

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Information about a player's current special Wizard's Vault objectives.

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data class GW2v2AccountWizardsVaultWeekly(val metaProgressCurrent: Int, val metaProgressComplete: Int, val metaRewardItemId: GW2ItemId, val metaRewardAstral: Int, val metaRewardClaimed: Boolean, val objectives: List<GW2v2WizardsVaultObjectiveProgress>)

Information about a player's current weekly Wizard's Vault objectives.

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data class GW2v2Achievement(val id: GW2AchievementId, val icon: String? = null, val name: String, val description: String, val requirement: String, val lockedText: String, val type: String, val flags: List<String>, val tiers: List<GW2v2Achievement.Tier>, val prerequisites: List<Int>? = null, val rewards: List<GW2v2Achievement.Reward>? = null, val bits: List<GW2v2Achievement.Bit>? = null, val pointCap: Int? = null)

Information about an achievement.

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data class GW2v2AchievementCategory(val id: GW2AchievementCategoryId, val icon: String, val name: String, val description: String, val order: Int, val achievements: List<GW2v2AchievementCategory.Entry>, val tomorrow: List<GW2v2AchievementCategory.Entry>? = null)

Information about an achievement category.

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data class GW2v2AchievementGroups(val id: GW2AchievementGroupId, val name: String, val description: String, val order: Int, val categories: List<GW2AchievementCategoryId>)

Information about an achievement group.

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data class GW2v2AchievementsDaily(val pve: List<GW2v2DailyAchievement>, val pvp: List<GW2v2DailyAchievement>, val wvw: List<GW2v2DailyAchievement>, val fractals: List<GW2v2DailyAchievement>, val special: List<GW2v2DailyAchievement>)

Information about daily achievements.

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Information about daily achievements.

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data class GW2v2BackstoryAnswer(val id: String, val title: String, val description: String, val journal: String, val question: Int, val professions: List<String>? = null, val races: List<String>? = null)

Information about a biography answer.

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data class GW2v2BackstoryQuestion(val id: Int, val title: String, val description: String, val answers: List<String>, val order: Int, val professions: List<String>? = null, val races: List<String>? = null)

Information about a biography question.

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data class GW2v2Build(val id: GW2BuildId)

Information about the current game build.

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data class GW2v2Character(val name: String, val race: String, val gender: String, val profession: String, val level: Int, val guild: String? = null, val age: Int, val created: String, val lastModified: String, val deaths: Int, val title: Int? = null, val wvwAbilities: List<GW2v2Character.WvwAbility>, val flags: List<String>, val buildTabsUnlocked: Int, val activeBuildTab: Int, val equipmentTabsUnlocked: Int, val activeEquipmentTab: Int, val backstory: List<String>, val buildTabs: List<GW2v2CharactersBuildTab>, val crafting: List<GW2v2Character.Discipline>, val equipment: List<GW2v2Character.EquipmentSlot>, val equipmentTabs: List<GW2v2Character.CharactersEquipmentTab>, val bags: List<GW2v2Character.Bag>, val recipes: List<Int>, val training: List<GW2v2Character.Training>)

Information about a character.

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data class GW2v2CharactersBackstory(val backstory: List<String>)

Information about a character's backstory.

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data class GW2v2CharactersBuildTab(val tab: Int, val isActive: Boolean, val build: GW2v2CharactersBuildTab.Build)

Information about a character's build tab.

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data class GW2v2CharactersCore(val name: String, val race: String, val gender: String, val profession: String, val level: Int, val guild: String? = null, val age: Int, val created: String, val lastModified: String, val deaths: Int, val title: Int? = null)

General Information about a character.

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data class GW2v2CharactersCrafting(val crafting: List<GW2v2CharactersCrafting.Discipline>)

Information about a character's crafting disciplines.

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Information about a character's equipment.

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data class GW2v2CharactersEquipmentTab(val tab: Int, val name: String, val isActive: Boolean, val equipment: List<GW2v2CharactersEquipmentTab.Equipment>, val equipmentPvp: GW2v2CharactersEquipmentTab.PvpEquipment)

Information about a character's equipment tab.

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Information about a bag in a character's inventory.

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data class GW2v2CharactersRecipes(val recipes: List<Int>)

Information about a character's crafting recipes.

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data class GW2v2CharactersSAB(val zones: List<GW2v2CharactersSAB.Zone>, val unlocks: List<GW2v2CharactersSAB.Unlock>, val songs: List<GW2v2CharactersSAB.Song>)

Information about a character's Super Adventure Box (SAB) progression.

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data class GW2v2CharactersTraining(val training: List<GW2v2CharactersTraining.Training>)

Information about a character's (skill-tree) training.

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data class GW2v2Color(val id: Int, val name: String, val baseRgb: List<Int>, val cloth: GW2v2Color.Appearance, val leather: GW2v2Color.Appearance, val metal: GW2v2Color.Appearance, val fur: GW2v2Color.Appearance? = null, val item: Int? = null, val categories: GW2v2Color.Categories? = null)

Information about a dye color.

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data class GW2v2CommerceDelivery(val coins: Int, val items: List<GW2v2CommerceDelivery.Item>)

Information about the items and coins currently available for pickup.

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data class GW2v2CommerceExchange(val coinsPerGem: Int, val quantity: Int)

Information about an exchange.

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data class GW2v2CommerceListing(val id: GW2ItemId, val buys: List<GW2v2Listing>, val sells: List<GW2v2Listing>)

Information about an item listed in the trading post.

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data class GW2v2CommercePrices(val id: GW2ItemId, val whitelisted: Boolean, val buys: GW2v2CommercePrices.BuyListing, val sells: GW2v2CommercePrices.SellListing)

Information about an item listed in the trading post.

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data class GW2v2CommerceTransaction(val id: Int, val itemId: GW2ItemId, val price: Int, val quantity: Int, val created: String, val purchased: String? = null)

Information about a transaction.

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data class GW2v2Continent(val id: Int, val name: String, val continentDims: List<Int>, val minZoom: Int, val maxZoom: Int, val floors: List<Int>)

Information about a continent.

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data class GW2v2ContinentFloor(val id: Int, val textureDims: List<Int>, val clampedView: List<List<Int>>? = null, val regions: Map<Int, GW2v2ContinentFloor.Region>)

Information about a continent floor.

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data class GW2v2Currency(val id: Int, val name: String, val description: String, val icon: String, val order: Int)

Information about a currency.

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data class GW2v2DailyAchievement(val id: GW2AchievementId, val level: GW2v2DailyAchievement.LevelRequirement, val requiredAccess: List<String>)

Information about a daily achievement.

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data class GW2v2DailyCrafting(val id: String)

Information about an item that can be crafted once per day.

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data class GW2v2Dungeon(val id: String, val paths: List<GW2v2Dungeon.Path>)

Information about a dungeon.

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data class GW2v2EmblemPart(val id: Int, val layers: List<String>)

Information about an emblem part.

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data class GW2v2Emote(val id: String, val commands: List<String>, val unlockItems: List<GW2ItemId>)

Information about an unlockable emote.

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data class GW2v2File(val id: String, val icon: String)

Information about an in-game asset.

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data class GW2v2Finisher(val id: Int, val name: String, val icon: String, val order: Int, val unlockDetails: String, val unlockItems: List<GW2ItemId>)

Information about a finisher.

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data class GW2v2Glider(val id: Int, val name: String, val description: String, val icon: String, val order: Int, val defaultDyes: List<Int>, val unlockItems: List<GW2ItemId>)

Information about a glider.

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data class GW2v2Guild(val id: String, val name: String, val tag: String, val level: Int, val motd: String? = null, val influence: Int? = null, val aetherium: Int? = null, val favor: Int? = null, val resonance: Int? = null, val memberCount: Int? = null, val memberCapacity: Int? = null, val emblem: GW2v2Guild.Emblem)

Information about a guild.

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Information about a logged guild event.

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data class GW2v2GuildMember(val name: String, val rank: String, val joined: String)

Information about a guild member.

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data class GW2v2GuildPermission(val id: String, val name: String, val description: String)

Information about a guild permission.

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data class GW2v2GuildRank(val id: String, val order: Int, val permissions: List<String>, val icon: String)

Information about a guild rank.

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data class GW2v2GuildStashSection(val upgradeId: Int, val size: Int, val coins: Int, val note: String, val inventory: List<GW2v2GuildStashSection.GuildStashSlot?>)

Information about a section of a guild's vault.

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data class GW2v2GuildStorageSlot(val id: Int, val count: Int)

Information about an item in a guild's storage.

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data class GW2v2GuildTeam(val id: Int, val members: List<GW2v2GuildTeam.Member>, val name: String, val aggregate: GW2v2GuildTeam.Stats, val ladders: Map<String, GW2v2GuildTeam.Stats>, val games: List<GW2v2GuildTeam.PvpGame>, val seasons: List<GW2v2GuildTeam.SeasonStats>)

Information about a guild's PvP team.

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data class GW2v2GuildTreasurySlot(val itemId: GW2ItemId, val count: Int, val neededBy: List<GW2v2GuildTreasurySlot.UpgradeRequirement>)

Information about an item in a guild's treasury.

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Information about a guild upgrade.

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data class GW2v2HomeInstanceCat(val id: Int, val hint: String)

Information about a home-instance cat.

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data class GW2v2HomeInstanceNode(val id: String)

Information about a home-instance node.

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@Serializable(with = __GW2v2ItemSerializer0::class)
data class GW2v2Item(val id: GW2ItemId, val name: String, val type: String, val chatLink: String, val icon: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val rarity: String, val level: Int, val vendorValue: Int, val defaultSkin: GW2SkinId? = null, val flags: List<String>, val gameTypes: List<String>, val restrictions: List<String>, val upgradesInto: List<GW2v2Item.Upgrade>? = null, val upgradesFrom: List<GW2v2Item.Precursor>? = null, val details: GW2v2Item.Details? = null)

Information about an item.

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data class GW2v2ItemStatSet(val id: Int, val name: String, val attributes: List<GW2v2ItemStatSet.Attribute>)

Information about a stat set.

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data class GW2v2JadeBot(val id: Int, val name: String, val description: String, val unlockItem: GW2ItemId)

Information about a jade bot skin.

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data class GW2v2Legend(val id: String, val code: Int, val swap: Int, val heal: Int, val elite: Int, val utilities: List<Int>)

Information about a Revenant legend.

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data class GW2v2LegendaryArmorySlot(val id: GW2ItemId, val maxCount: Int)

Information about an item that can be stored in the legendary armory.

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data class GW2v2Listing(val listings: Int, val unitPrice: Int, val quantity: Int)

Information about a listing.

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data class GW2v2Luck(val id: String, val value: Int)

Information about a player's luck.

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data class GW2v2Mailcarrier(val id: Int, val icon: String, val name: String, val order: Int, val unlockItems: List<GW2ItemId>, val flags: List<String>)

Information about a mailcarrier.

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data class GW2v2Map(val id: Int, val name: String, val type: String, val minLevel: Int, val maxLevel: Int, val defaultFloor: Int, val floors: List<Int>, val regionId: Int, val regionName: String? = null, val continentId: Int, val continentName: String? = null, val mapRect: List<List<Int>>, val continentRect: List<List<Int>>)

Information about a map.

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data class GW2v2MapChest(val id: String)

Information about a Hero's Choice Chests that can be acquired once per day.

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data class GW2v2Mastery(val id: Int, val name: String, val requirement: String, val order: Int, val background: String, val region: String, val levels: List<GW2v2Mastery.Level>)

Information about a mastery.

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data class GW2v2MaterialCategory(val id: Int, val name: String, val items: List<GW2ItemId>, val order: Int)

Information about a material category.

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data class GW2v2Mini(val id: Int, val name: String, val description: String? = null, val icon: String, val order: Int, val itemId: GW2ItemId)

Information about a mini.

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data class GW2v2MountSkin(val id: Int, val name: String, val icon: String, val mount: String, val dyeSlots: List<GW2v2MountSkin.DyeSlot>)

Information about a mount skin.

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data class GW2v2MountType(val id: String, val name: String, val defaultSkin: Int, val skins: List<Int>, val skills: List<GW2v2MountType.Skill>)

Information about a mount type.

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data class GW2v2Novelty(val id: Int, val name: String, val icon: String, val description: String, val slot: String, val unlockItems: List<GW2ItemId>)

Information about a novelty.

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data class GW2v2Outfit(val id: Int, val name: String, val icon: String, val unlockItems: List<GW2ItemId>)

Information about an outfit.

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data class GW2v2Pet(val id: Int, val name: String, val description: String, val icon: String, val skills: List<GW2v2Pet.Skill>)

Information about a pet.

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data class GW2v2Profession(val id: String, val name: String, val code: Int, val icon: String, val bigIcon: String, val specializations: List<Int>, val weapons: Map<String, GW2v2Profession.Weapon>, val flags: List<String>, val skills: List<GW2v2Profession.Skill>, val training: List<GW2v2Profession.Training>, val skillsByPalette: List<List<Int>>)

Information about a playable profession.

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data class GW2v2PvpAmulet(val id: Int, val name: String, val icon: String, val attributes: GW2v2PvpAmulet.Stats)

Information about a PvP amulet.

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data class GW2v2PvpGame(val id: String, val mapId: Int, val started: String, val ended: String, val result: String, val team: String, val profession: String, val ratingType: String, val ratingChange: Int? = null, val season: String? = null, val scores: GW2v2PvpGame.Scores)

Information about an account's PvP game.

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data class GW2v2PvpHero(val id: String, val name: String, val description: String, val type: String, val stats: GW2v2PvpHero.Stats, val overlay: String, val underlay: String, val skins: List<GW2v2PvpHero.Skin>)

Information about a PvP hero.

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data class GW2v2PvpRank(val id: Int, val finisherId: Int, val name: String, val icon: String, val minRank: Int, val maxRank: Int, val levels: List<GW2v2PvpRank.Level>)

Information about a PvP rank.

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data class GW2v2PvpSeason(val id: String, val name: String, val start: String, val end: String, val active: Boolean, val divisions: List<GW2v2PvpSeason.Division>, val ranks: List<GW2v2PvpSeason.Ranks>? = null, val leaderboards: GW2v2PvpSeason.Leaderboards)

Information about a PvP season.

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data class GW2v2PvpSeasonsLeaderboardEntry(val name: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val rank: Int, val team: String? = null, val teamId: Int? = null, val date: String, val scores: List<GW2v2PvpSeasonsLeaderboardEntry.Scoring>)

Information about a leaderboard entry.

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data class GW2v2PvpStandings(val current: GW2v2PvpStandings.Current, val best: GW2v2PvpStandings.Best, val seasonId: String)

Information about an account's PvP standings.

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data class GW2v2PvpStats(val pvpRank: Int, val pvpRankPoints: Int, val pvpRankRollovers: Int, val aggregate: GW2v2PvpStats.Stats, val professions: Map<String, GW2v2PvpStats.Stats>, val ladders: Map<String, GW2v2PvpStats.Stats>)

Information about an account's PvP stats.

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data class GW2v2Quaggan(val id: String, val url: String)

Information about an image of a quaggan.

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data class GW2v2Quest(val id: Int, val name: String, val level: Int, val story: Int, val goals: List<GW2v2Quest.Goal>)

Information about a quest.

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data class GW2v2Race(val id: String, val name: String, val skills: List<Int>)

Information about a playable race.

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data class GW2v2Raid(val id: String, val wings: List<GW2v2Raid.Wing>)

Information about a raid.

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data class GW2v2Recipe(val id: Int, val type: String, val outputItemId: GW2ItemId, val outputItemCount: Int, val craftTimeMillis: Int, val disciplines: List<String>, val minRating: Int, val flags: List<String>, val ingredients: List<GW2v2Recipe.Ingredient>, val outputUpgradeId: Int? = null, val chatLink: String)

Information about a crafting recipe.

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data class GW2v2Skiff(val id: Int, val name: String, val icon: String, val dyeSlots: List<GW2v2Skiff.DyeSlot>)

Information about a skiff skin.

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data class GW2v2Skill(val id: Int, val name: String, val description: String, val icon: String, val chatLink: String, val flags: List<String>? = null, val type: String? = null, val weaponType: String? = null, val professions: List<String>? = null, val specialization: Int? = null, val slot: String? = null, val facts: List<GW2v2Skill.Fact>? = null, val traitedFacts: List<GW2v2Skill.TraitedFact>? = null, val categories: List<String>? = null, val attunement: String? = null, val cost: Int? = null, val dualWield: String? = null, val flipSkill: Int? = null, val initiative: Int? = null, val nextChain: Int? = null, val prevChain: Int? = null, val transformSkills: List<Int>? = null, val bundleSkills: List<Int>? = null, val toolbeltSkill: Int? = null)

Information about a skill.

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@Serializable(with = __GW2v2SkinSerializer0::class)
data class GW2v2Skin(val id: GW2SkinId, val name: String, val type: String, val flags: List<String>, val restrictions: List<String>, val icon: String, val rarity: String, val description: String? = null, val details: GW2v2Skin.Details? = null)

Information about a skin.

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data class GW2v2Specialization(val id: Int, val name: String, val profession: String, val elite: Boolean, val icon: String, val background: String, val minorTraits: List<Int>, val majorTraits: List<Int>, val weaponTrait: Int? = null, val professionIcon: String? = null, val bigProfessionIcon: String? = null)

Information about a specialization.

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data class GW2v2Story(val id: Int, val season: String, val name: String, val description: String, val timeline: String, val level: Int, val order: Int, val chapters: List<GW2v2Story.Chapter>, val races: List<String>? = null, val flags: List<String>? = null)

Information about a Story Journal season.

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data class GW2v2StorySeason(val id: String, val name: String, val order: Int, val stories: List<Int>)

Information about a Story Journal season.

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data class GW2v2SubToken(val subtoken: String)

A created subtoken.

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data class GW2v2Title(val id: Int, val name: String, val achievement: GW2AchievementId? = null, val achievements: List<GW2AchievementId>? = null, val apRequired: Int? = null)

Information about a title.

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data class GW2v2TokenInfo(val id: String, val name: String, val permissions: List<String>, val type: String, val subtokenDetails: GW2v2TokenInfo.SubtokenDetails? = null)

Information about an API key.

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data class GW2v2Trait(val id: Int, val tier: Int, val order: Int, val name: String, val description: String? = null, val slot: String, val facts: List<GW2v2Trait.Fact>? = null, val traitedFacts: List<GW2v2Trait.TraitedFact>? = null, val skills: List<GW2v2Trait.Skill>? = null, val specialization: Int, val icon: String)

Information about a trait.

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data class GW2v2WizardsVaultListing(val id: Int, val itemId: GW2ItemId, val itemCount: Int, val type: GW2v2WizardsVaultListing.Type, val cost: Int)

Information about an item available in the Wizard's Vault.

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data class GW2v2WizardsVaultObjective(val id: Int, val title: String, val track: GW2v2WizardsVaultObjective.Track, val acclaim: Int)

Information about a Wizard's Vault's objective.

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data class GW2v2WizardsVaultObjectiveProgress(val id: Int, val title: String, val track: String, val acclaim: Int, val progressCurrent: Int, val progressComplete: Int, val claimed: Boolean)

Information about progress towards a Wizard's Vault objective.

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data class GW2v2WizardsVaultSeason(val title: String, val start: String, val end: String, val listings: List<Int>, val objectives: List<Int>)

Information about a Wizard's Vault season.

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data class GW2v2World(val id: Int, val name: String, val population: String)

Information about an available world (or server).

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data class GW2v2WorldBoss(val id: String)

Information about a worldboss that reward boss chests that can be opened once a day.

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data class GW2v2WvwAbility(val id: Int, val name: String, val description: String, val icon: String, val ranks: List<GW2v2WvwAbility.Rank>)

Information about an ability in the World versus World game mode.

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data class GW2v2WvwMatch(val id: String, val startTime: String, val endTime: String, val scores: Map<String, Int>, val worlds: Map<String, Int>, val allWorlds: Map<String, List<Int>>, val deaths: Map<String, Int>, val kills: Map<String, Int>, val victoryPoints: Map<String, Int>, val skirmishes: List<GW2v2WvwMatch.Skirmish>, val maps: List<GW2v2WvwMatch.GameMap>)

General information about a WvW match.

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data class GW2v2WvwMatchOverview(val id: String, val worlds: Map<String, Int>, val allWorlds: Map<String, List<Int>>, val startTime: String, val endTime: String)

General information about a WvW match.

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data class GW2v2WvwMatchScore(val id: String, val scores: Map<String, Int>, val victoryPoints: Map<String, Int>, val skirmishes: List<GW2v2WvwMatchScore.Skirmish>, val maps: List<GW2v2WvwMatchScore.GameMap>)

Information about a WvW match scores.

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data class GW2v2WvwMatchStats(val id: String, val deaths: Map<String, Int>, val kills: Map<String, Int>, val maps: List<GW2v2WvwMatchStats.GameMap>)

Information about a WvW match stats.

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data class GW2v2WvwObjective(val id: String, val name: String, val type: String, val sectorId: Int, val mapId: Int, val mapType: String, val coord: List<Double>? = null, val labelCoord: List<Double>? = null, val marker: String? = null, val chatLink: String, val upgradeId: Int? = null)

Information about an objective in the World versus World game mode.

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data class GW2v2WvwRank(val id: GW2WvwRankId, val title: String, val minRank: Int)

Information about an achievable rank in the World versus World game mode.

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data class GW2v2WvwUpgrade(val id: Int, val tiers: List<GW2v2WvwUpgrade.Tier>)

Information about an upgrade for objectives in the World versus World game mode.