Information about an achievement.
the achievement's ID
the URL for the achievement's icon
the achievement's localized name
the achievement's localized description
the achievement's requirement as listed in-game
the achievement's in-game description prior to unlocking it
the achievement's type
the achievement's categories
the achievement's tiers
the IDs of the achievements that are required to progress this achievement
the achievement's rewards
the achievement's bits
the maximum number of AP that can be rewarded by an achievement flagged as "Repeatable"
This field holds the achievement's bits.
This field holds the achievement's localized description.
This field holds the achievement's ID.
This field holds the achievement's in-game description prior to unlocking it.
This field holds the IDs of the achievements that are required to progress this achievement.
This field holds the achievement's requirement as listed in-game.
This field holds the achievement's rewards.
This field holds the achievement's tiers.