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api-generator is a library for programmatically creating programs that interface with the official Guild Wars 2 API. It provides information about the API's available endpoints and the format of the exposed data.

api-generator is intended to be used as source of information for static code generation. It does not make any assumption about the generated output.

The com.gw2tb.apigen.APIGenerator class is the main entry-point of this library and allows users to configure which data to include.

val apiGenerator = APIGenerator(
    v2SchemaVersion = SchemaVersion.V2_SCHEMA_CLASSIC

apiGenerator.v2Endpoints.forEach {
    println("V2 endpoint: ${it.endpointName}")

Head over to the user guide to get started with api-generator and learn how the provided information is structured.

The data provided by api-generator is defined in a custom Kotlin-based DSL. This enables a concise and declarative definition while benefiting from Kotlin's type-safety and IDE integration.

V2_BUILD(summary = "Returns the current build ID.") {
    schema(record(name = "Build", description = "Information about the current game build.") {
        CamelCase("id").."ID"(BUILD_ID, "the current build ID")

To learn more about the internal workings of this project, have a look at the developer guide.

Used By

This is a non-exhaustive list of projects using the api-generator. If you want your project to be added, please file an issue or a pull request.


The GW2APIClient provided by GW2ToolBelt uses the api-generator to generate a Kotlin API including data-types and queries for all API endpoints.