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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


BIG_BATTLE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
This map type is currently unused and it's purpose is unknown.
BLUE_BORDERLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
"Blue Battlegrounds" maps.
BYTES - Static variable in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
The size of the MumbleLink buffer in bytes.
BYTES - Static variable in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
The number of bytes that are used to store the context in the underlying data.


CHARACTER_CREATION - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Character creation screens.
clear() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Clears the underlying buffer by setting all bytes to zero.
close() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Closes this resource.
com.gw2tb.gw2ml - module com.gw2tb.gw2ml
Defines classes and interfaces for reading data from Guild Wars 2 using the MumbleLink API.
com.gw2tb.gw2ml - package com.gw2tb.gw2ml
Provides the GW2ML API.
copy(byte[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Shorthand for copy(0, dest, 0, BYTES).
copy(byte[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Shorthand for copy(0, dest, 0, BYTES).
copy(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Copies the underlying data beginning at the specified offset, to the specified offset of the destination array.
copy(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Copies the underlying data beginning at the specified offset, to the specified offset of the destination array.
copy(int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Copies the underlying data beginning at the specified offset, to the specified offset of the destination segment.
copy(int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Copies the underlying data beginning at the specified offset, to the specified offset of the destination buffer.
copy(int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is deprecated in favor of MumbleLink.Context.copy(int, MemorySegment, int, int).
copy(int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is deprecated in favor of MumbleLink.copy(int, MemorySegment, int, int).
copy(MemorySegment) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Shorthand for copy(0, dest, 0, BYTES).
copy(MemorySegment) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Shorthand for copy(0, dest, 0, BYTES).
copy(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is deprecated in favor of MumbleLink.Context.copy(MemorySegment).
copy(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is deprecated in favor of MumbleLink.copy(MemorySegment).


EOTM - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
"Edge of the Mists" maps.
ETERNAL_BATTLEGROUNDS - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
"Eternal Battlegrounds" maps.


FORTUNES_VALE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
This map type is currently unused and it's purpose is unknown.


getAvatarFront(float[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the unit vector pointing out of the avatar's eyes.
getAvatarPosition(float[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the position of the avatar (in meters).
getAvatarTop(float[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the unit vector pointing out of the top of the avatar's head.
getBuildID() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the ID of the game build that is currently running (as per Guild Wars 2 API).
getCameraFront(float[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the unit vector pointing out of the camera.
getCameraPosition(float[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the position of the camera (in meters).
getCameraTop(float[]) - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the unit vector pointing out of the top of the camera.
getCompassHeight() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the height of the compass in pixels.
getCompassRotation() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the rotation of the compass in radians.
getCompassWidth() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the width of the compass in pixels.
getContext() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns a Context object that may be used to access the additional context information.
getContextLength() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the length of the context (in bytes) that will be used by a MumbleServer to determine whether two users can hear each other positionally.
getDescription() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the description that may provide additional information about the game's current state.
getIdentity() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns a JSON-formatted String with additional information.
getInstance() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the ID of the current game instance.
getMapCenterX() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the X-component of the position at the center of the map.
getMapCenterY() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the Y-component of the position at the center of the map.
getMapID() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the ID of the map the player is currently on (as per Guild Wars 2 API).
getMapScale() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the scale of the map.
getMapType() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns information about the type of the map the player is currently on.
getMountType() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns information about the type of the mount the player is currently riding.
getName() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the name of the application which updated the underlying data last.
getPlayerX() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the X-component of the position of the player in continent coordinates.
getPlayerY() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the Y-component of the position of the player in continent coordinates.
getProcessID() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the ID of the process.
getServerAddress() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns the address of the map server that the game client is currently connected to.
getShardID() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns a 32bit bitfield that contains various information about the current game shard.
getUIState() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink.Context
Returns a 32bit bitfield that contains various information about the current state of the game UI.
getUITick() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns an integral identifier that is incremented every time the MumbleLink data is updated.
getUIVersion() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns the version number as specified by the MumbleLink standard.
GREEN_BORDERLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
"Green Battlegrounds" maps.
GRIFFON - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Griffon" mount.
GVG - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Guild vs Guild (GvG) maps.


INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Instance maps (such as dungeons and story content).
isClosed() - Method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns whether this object is invalid.
isCompassRotationEnabled(int) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.UIState
Returns whether rotation is enabled for the in-game compass.
isCompassTopRight(int) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.UIState
Returns whether the compass is in the upper right corner of the screen.
isGameFocused(int) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.UIState
Returns whether the game client is currently focused.
isInCombat(int) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.UIState
Returns whether the player is currently in combat.
isInCompetitiveMode(int) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.UIState
Returns whether the player is currently in a competitive mode.
isMapOpen(int) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.UIState
Returns whether the world map is currently open.
isTextFieldFocused(int) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.UIState
Returns whether the input focus is currently owned by a textfield.


JACKAL - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Jackal" mount.


MapType - Enum Class in com.gw2tb.gw2ml
A utility class for interpreting the value of the mapType field.
MountType - Enum Class in com.gw2tb.gw2ml
A utility class for interpreting the value of the mountType field.
MumbleLink - Class in com.gw2tb.gw2ml
A MumbleLink object serves as a view for the data provided by a Guild Wars 2 game client in MumbleLink format.
MumbleLink.Context - Class in com.gw2tb.gw2ml


NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The player is not riding any mount.
numericalValue() - Method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Returns the numerical value of this mount type.
numericalValue() - Method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
Returns the numerical value of this mount type.


OBSIDIAN_SANCTUM - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
"Obsidian Sanctum" maps.
open() - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Opens a MumbleLink view of the data provided by Guild Wars 2 via the MumbleLink mechanism.
open(String) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Opens a MumbleLink view of the data provided by Guild Wars 2 via the MumbleLink mechanism using a custom handle.


PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Public maps (e.g.
PUBLIC_MINI - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Public "mini" maps (such as "Dry Top", "The Silverwastes", and "Mistlock Sanctuary").
PVP - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Competitive Player vs Player (PvP) maps.


RAPTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Raptor" mount.
RED_BORDERLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
"Red Battlegrounds" maps.
REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Redirect "maps" (e.g.
ROLLERBEETLE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Roller Beetle" mount.


SIEGETURTLE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Siege Turtle" mount.
SKIFF - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Skiff" mount.
SKIMMER - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Skimmer" mount.
SKYSCALE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Skyscale" mount.
SPRINGER - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Springer" mount.


TOURNAMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Tournament maps.
TUTORIAL - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Tutorial maps.


UIState - Class in com.gw2tb.gw2ml
A utility class for interpreting the value of the uiState bitfield.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Represents any unknown or unexpected mapType value.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
Represents any unknown or unexpected mountType value.
USER_TOURNAMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
User tournament maps.


valueOf(byte) - Static method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
Returns the appropriate MountType representation for the given numerical value.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
Returns the appropriate MountType representation for the given numerical value.
valueOf(long) - Static method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Returns the appropriate MapType representation for the given numerical value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
viewOf(MemorySegment) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Returns a MumbleLink view of the given memory segment.
viewOf(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MumbleLink
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is deprecated in favor of MumbleLink.viewOf(MemorySegment).


WARCLAW - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MountType
The "Warclaw" mount.
WVW - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
This map type's purpose is unknown.
WVW_LOUNGE - Enum constant in enum class com.gw2tb.gw2ml.MapType
"Armistice Bastion" maps.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values