Package-level declarations
An authentication strategy determines how to authenticate requests to the API.
Provides basic access to a response caching implementation.
A discriminated union that encapsulates a successful outcome with a value of type T or a failure with an arbitrary Throwable exception. A schema mismatch is a special type of failure that may be partially recoverable.
A client that may be used to make requests to the official Guild Wars 2 API (or a mirror).
An intermediate object for building Gw2ApiClient instances.
Configures a Gw2ApiClient.
Defaults values for Gw2ApiClient instances.
An HTTP request against the Guild Wars 2 API.
An HTTP response from the Guild Wars 2 API.
A RateLimiter
provides logic necessary to limit the rate of execution of any sort of requests. For this purpose, a rate limiter distributes permits at a configurable rate. Permits can be acquired and do not have to be released.
An intermediate object for building RequestTemplate instances.
Configures a RequestTemplate.
A template for a request that can be executed by an API client.
A RateLimiter implementation that uses the token bucket algorithm.
A marker class that is used enforce explicit consent for using AuthenticationStrategy.QUERY.
Returns the result of onSuccess for the encapsulated value if this instance represents success or the result of onFailure for the encapsulated Throwable if this instance represents failure.
Returns the result of onSuccess for the encapsulated value if this instance represents success, the result of onSchemaMismatch for the encapsulated JsonElement and Throwable if this instance represents a schema mismatch, or the result of onFailure for the encapsulated Throwable if this instance represents any other failure.
Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents success or the defaultValue if it is failure.
Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents success or the result of onFailure for the encapsulated Throwable exception if it is failure.
Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents success, the result of onSchemaMismatch for the encapsulated JsonElement and Throwable if it is schema mismatch or the result of onFailure for the encapsulated Throwable if it is failure.
Creates a new Gw2ApiClient using the provided IHttpClient and the given configuration.
Tries to recover the response partially if the result represents a schema mismatch. If the result represents another failure, an IllegalStateException is thrown. Successful results are simply transformed.